Friday, January 25, 2008

The Two Faces of Helena

My baby has two personalities.
Daytime Helena. This Helena is sweet and content in every way. She doesn't cry, she doesn't fuss. She eats, poops and sleeps without worry. She is the Helena that everyone sees when they visit. 

Evening/Nighttime Helena. This is the Helena nobody sees. She cries even after we've fed, changed, burped and cuddled her. She eats every hour and a half to two hours leaving Mommy with little to no sleep between feedings.

Both of these are my daughter, and I'm sure I'll see many other personalities emerge as she grows older.


The Tones of the Zarcone's said...

Aw...I am sure you will as well.

Hang in there. Things will get better (mental note to remind myself of this little piece of advice after I give birth...hehe).


Unknown said...

This too shall pass! Hang in there!!!!!