Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Yummy, Yummy In Your Tummy

Starting in the hospital I realized that, while the most natural thing to do, breastfeeding is something that mommy and baby learn together. And it's hard to learn something together when you have people poking and proding you every couple of hours. 

Needless to say we weren't getting it 100% of the time. Part of that was because, as part of the switch, I was craving healthy food and was eating broccoli, salads, veggies, orange juice and tomato soup (among other things). Well, these foods cause gas in babies - who knew? So she was gassy and crying so much of the time we couldn't get her to calm down long enough to latch on all the time - much less eat. 

The two lactation consultants said I was doing everything right, which made me feel better, but then then again I felt bad that the nurses called in two different consultants on two different days. Helena was getting enough to stay hydrated, but not enough to stay about the 10% weight loss.

We went home on Thursday and she was down to 7 lbs 15 oz. By our appointment on Friday she was down to 7 lbs 7 oz. As a result the doctor had us supplement with formula. Which meant feeding time because a two person affair lasting about an hour from waking her up, getting her to latch on, feed and supplement. But the good news is that by our appointment on Saturday she had gained 4 oz.

By Sunday she was latching on better - even though it still took both of us stroking her ears, cheek and feet to keep her awake.

By that evening I had grown 2 cups sizes because of the milk coming in and was in so much pain because the bras I got during my pregnancy were digging into me. I was so afraid if I didn't get a good bra ASAP that my milk supply would be hindered and then I wouldn't be able to breastfeed at all. So, after calling four different stores looking for my new size, and crying because I already thought my breast were too big to handle during feedings, I found a store that had it and held them at the counter for me to make sure they still had them when I got there. Needless to say, the people at Motherhoon Maternity at Wheaton Plaza were a LIVESAVER! I felt better the instant I got one of those babies on.

It must have helped because by the middle of the night she was getting enough to eat from me that she was refusing the formula.

We kept offering it to her through the night until we got a call from the doctors office Monday afternoon giving us the go ahead to stop the supplements which was GREAT!

By Monday evening she was latching on the first try and actually staying awake during her feedings. Now she even cries when she is hungry - which I am happy for because it tells me she knows where her food comes from and can tell when she is full and when she is not.

So that is the tale so far - at least the breastfeeding tale. There are also the tales of how cute she is and the tales of how cute she is when she's asleep and the tales of changing her and watching her watch me. So many tales, so little time before she wakes up again.


Unknown said...

I'm so happy to hear this. Breastfeeding is like a dance neither one of you has done before and when you start getting those steps right, it is such a beautiful thing. I'm really happy to hear she is thriving and you are adjusting so well! Congratulations to all of you.


Unknown said...

I am so happy to hear that Helena is feeding well and gaining weight! There is definitely a learning curve with breastfeeding. I went through the wringer with Josh, so if you ever have any Q's, give me a holler. Can't wait to see more pics!

The Tones of the Zarcone's said...

I am so happy that you have a blog! I added you to my blog list on our page. :)

She is beautiful; it was wonderful to meet her last night and catch up with you guys.

It really make me look forward to giving birth to our little girl...only a few more months!

Love ya!