Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Super Woman Syndrome

You all know I have a type-A personality, surprise! As such, I think I am more susceptible to  developing a Super Woman persona. The woman that keeps going even if it does her more harm than good.

I must admit that, over the last week, I have done more than I should. Omar and I have been up and about cleaning like mad and even went out twice with Helena, in addition to her two doctor's visits.

It wasn't until I called the nurse last night about some bleeding - everything is fine - I realized I needed to listen to my body more. So today I took two naps, one in the morning and one in the evening. I also planned our shopping trip so that it included a rest and feeding at our second stop, Great Beginnings. 

Great Beginnings has a really nice nursing area attached to their woman's bathroom, complete with a slider and a real changing table. It was a nice relaxing environment for us to do our business. 

I mentioned to Omar how nice the slider was in the nursing room and he suggested we look at them, so we did and I got to relax in a VERY comfortable slider/ recliner. I think I was in the recliner for about 15 minutes, looking at the color options, when Helena woke up because of a vacuum cleaner. She joined me to test out the slider function of the chair and it passed. So we ordered it for the living room.

When we got home I noticed that everything was going right with my body and that taking those breaks during our trip were worth it. I continued to listen to my body when we started to put things away. I stopped when I felt I needed to stop and didn't feel guilty. 

Then I listened to Omar when he suggested I take a nap. Being reminded to take care of myself is something I need from time to time and I'm glad Omar is here to remind me of that. 

Before becoming a mommy I pushed myself to the limits, whether at work, play or theatre. Now I need to remember that it's not worth it to push myself so much that I hurt or get sick or stress out so much I make everyone around me pay for it. Helena and Omar deserve much more that that - and so do I!


Cindylou said...

Good for you. I have been doing the same. I have limited my schedule and take breaks when doing house work. Even at this stage of pregnancy, listening to my body is important. I am proud of you for being so grown up and doing the same! Especially so soon after delivery!

We just purchased our glider last was actually one of the things Kevin and I were most excited about. It currently resides in our bedroom and will live there until I establish a good routine in nursing and then perhaps it will move to her nursury. It was our favorite part of shopping when we were tired...testing out the gliders! :)

Enjoy it. It is worth the expense to kick up your feet and relaxing in comfort!

Love you!


Amy Wagar said...

Good girl! Take care of yourself. New moms find it really hard to do that. I did (and still do). Nap nap nap!

Your baby is so precious!