Sunday, February 5, 2012

We Did It! We Did It!

Yes, I have been subjected to too much Dora the last month. And, yes, I have also completed #9 (eat as a vegetarian for a month), as well as #8 (drink 8 glasses of water for a week) of my Day Zero Project list!

I had two scares toward the end of the month. One was when I was tasting a co-workers Thai food and noticed I had actually got some chicken in the bite...I politely spit it out into a napkin. Then I ordered the "No Meato Burrito" from California Tortilla and there was CHICKEN in it. What part of "No Meato" says "yeah put some chicken in it?" So, we sent that back (and my co-worker got a FREE burrito because of the mistake...and got to eat the one that had chicken in it too).

On February 1, I did take the opportunity to eat meat (sweet potato tots with bacon and blue cheese and a salad with briskit and blue cheese and blue cheese dressing to be exact). I promptly got on the treadmill when I got home and walked uphill for 75 minutes to burn all those calories off.

After that meal, which I did split into lunch and dinner, I've decided to keep up the vegetarian lifestyle as much as I can. I expect Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family to be a challenge. I feel better, my skin is clearer (of course this also could be from the Mary Kay skin care products I've been using the last two months), and I'm losing weight. All three are a good thing - especially the last one.

The losing weight isn't about body image or "being skinny" for me. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes a few months ago and her mother was put on a limited sugar diet. Then add in the fact that sides of my family have a history of heart disease and cancer and it makes me more determined to live a healthy lifestyle, being in the healthy range of my BMI, and making sure my daughter grows up with a good example of health and exercise.

And while it is not on my list, I've started walking at least 3x a week for 30 minutes or more. I've decided to take baby steps with the exercising so I stick with it. I also gave up the stigma of "it's not really exercise if you are watching TV." Yeah, I'm watching Once Upon a Time, The Vampire Diaries, 30 Rock and now Downton Abbey while walking. I find it's easier to do long durations on the treadmill when watching these shows as opposed to watching My Friends Tigger and Pooh or Dora: The Explorer.

Next up on my list:

47. Sing for a half hour every day for 2 weeks (0/14)
78. Volunteer at Helena's school (chaperoning her field trip next week to a Chinese restaurant for lunch)
80. Donate 2 boxes or bags of my things to charity (I have a bunch of bags in my trunk and others ready to follow those)

And here we go...


LoveMuffins said...

Wooo bacon!!! I can't blame that for being your downfall =) I think it's incredible that you made it through a month, and even better that you're going to try to keep it up for the most part!

Also, I love #47, that's such a great goal! I might have to put that on my next Day Zero list =)

Esther said...

Hey Heather - if you're still keeping up the vegetarian thing (or want to get back to it if you're not!), let me know, I'd LOVE to help. Especially with the holidays coming up.
And check out my blog if you like: