Wednesday, January 4, 2012

That Was Such An Epic Fail

So, yeah, unplugging on my vacation didn't happen. I lasted two days, if that. I think it's actually easier to not go online when you are in your element - or where you can't get any cell reception. So, unplugged vacation and no Facebook for a week are still on the "to-do" list.

Where that was a failure, I am working on a few things that I think will not be a failure. For the last 3.5 Days - after I enjoyed a fun New Year's Eve out on the town in Baltimore and followed that with a McDonald's Big Mac meal - I've been eating a combination of steamed or raw veggies and veggie juice that I've made myself (and black coffee since I need SOME vice).

Let me tell you that making juice without a juicer is a long process! I peel the cucumbers and carrots. Cut them up (as well as celery, tomatoes and an apple) and blend them in the blender. Then I use a strainer to get most of the pulp out. Then I have enough for breakfast and dinner.

I do feel healthy, however I've been suffering from insomnia and my skin is breaking out - yay for getting the toxins out of my body, right? I also have had cravings, but mostly for salt and rice. I miss those seaweed and rice snacks I used to eat in Okinawa. Now back on topic, this will last until Friday and then I'm going to get some rice! The rest of January will be spent as a vegetarian (#9 on the 101 in 1,001 list) - even on my birthday on the 13th.

So, here is what's going on as a result of this task:
  • #9. Eat vegetarian for a month (3/30)
  • #8. Drink eight glasses of water every day for a week (3/7)
  • #3. No fast food for a month (3/30)

I still can't believe how much easier it is to say no to all the sweets, pizza and Popeyes I've been faced with the past 3.5 days compared to trying to unplug for a week. Easier to take care of the body than the mind, it seems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whew...good luck with the veggie thing. I keep thinking I should do that, but then I see steak on sale and that's pretty much it.