Monday, June 30, 2008

Party in My Crib - 2 AM

Six weeks ago we started the process of moving Helena out of our bed and in to her crib. It's been a struggle - for all of us. For me it's been extremly hard because she's not snuggled beside me at night anymore, but all the way (next door) in her crib by herself.

The first couple of nights I slept on the floor in her room so I could quickly "shhh" her to sleep if she woke up. That seemd to work OK for a couple of days. Then we totally messed her up by taking her out with us two nights in a row that weekend.

SO, we revisited the idea of letting her cry for a little bit and then going in and comforting her, and repeating this until she fell asleep. It has actually worked. Some nights are still better than others but for the most part she's asleep within 30 minutes of going to bed.

She still wakes up around 3:30 am for a feeding and sometimes we all fall back asleep and she's with us until the morning, and sometimes she falls asleep and Omar takes her back to her room for the rest of the night.

Most mornings she is waking up happy - this morning was an exception.

Monday's are hard - even for a baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heather, you haven't updated in awhile! I tagged you in a fun post on my blog...
