Thursday, February 21, 2008

Night Owl

Helena doesn't like to sleep at night. There were a few days where we thought she was going to start sleeping at night, but no such luck! 

This week she's been up until 3:00 - 5:00 a.m. each night. Yesterday she was even up playing most of the afternoon and then again during American Idol.

I don't know how we are going to survive when I go back to work. We still haven't figured out a night time routine that works. It's either I am with her all night or until I can't take it anymore then Omar takes over and neither one of us gets to sleep.

Last night she went to bed at 4:00 a.m. I woke her up at 7:30 a.m. to eat and change her diaper, hoping that this will get her going earlier in the day and to sleep earlier tonight. She's napped, fed, played and is on her second nap and it's only 11:40 a.m. At least she was up for an hour playing this morning. Hopefully she will play for a long time again this afternoon and evening so we can wear her out so she'll sleep - but not wear her out so much that she's cranky for hours trying to get to sleep.

Any suggestions?

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