Saturday, November 26, 2011

And We're Off

Last week I signed up to become a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant (#12 on my 101 in 1,001 list)! My motivation for taking on this business on top of everything else I have going on in my life is two fold:

1. I want to be able to live in a specific apartment complex when we move out so Helena can go to elementary school next to her current preschool and go to their after-school care. With so much change going on, I want her to have some consistency. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to be stressed out about money because everything I've been reading says stressed out moms = stressed out kids.

2. I love Mary Kay skin care products and really do think that (in addition to good genes) using Mary Kay is the reason all the women in my mom's family look so young! My Aunt Margaret (who is also a Mary Kay consultant) told me at a very young age that moisturizing is key to healthy skin and, even when I've veered into CVS for my skin care products, I've always kept this in mind. Also, helping other women feel their best and keep their skin healthy is a constant reminder for me to take care of myself. Helena needs a mommy who takes care of herself so she is whole and can take care of her.

I'm part of a great team led by Megan Herold. Within a few hours after I signed up her husband, yep he's super excited about Mary Kay, emailed me this great jump start my business email with some great things that Megan came up with for every new consultant to do in the first 7 days...and when I do this and place my first order I get a ring. Yes, I know that might be silly motivation for some of you, but I would never buy myself "good" jewelry so why not do it and kick start a business that helps me with my other goals and get some bling. I also received a packet in the mail from her with tips on what to do to have my business "Thriving" in 30 days.

In addition to all this, my co-worker Madeline Russell is here to help as well. She's really active and wants to find out everything there is so she can grow her business and wants to bring me along for the ride.We've already watched part of a training DVD and will try again when my DVD player and Helena cooperate.

I know it's up to me to make this work and reach my goals, but I think the support I'm going to get from these ladies and the many people in my life that want to see my succeed will be a big help.

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